Nadia BredaSee personal website
Nadia Breda was born in Conegliano in 1965. She graduated in Ethnology in Venice and obtained a PhD in Ethno-anthropological Sciences in Rome, after studying at the Ècole des Hautes Ètudes en Sciences Sociales in Toulouse and Paris. She is a researcher and professor of Environmental Anthropology at the University of Florence. Her publications include: “I respiri della palude” (Rome, CISU, 2000), “Palù, inquieti paesaggi tra natura e cultura” (Cierre 2002), “Antropologia dell’acqua” (ERREFFE, Brescia, Grafo, 2005). Co-author of Biodiversità Coltivata nel Parco Nazionale delle Dolomiti Bellunesi and of research for the Ecomuseo del Vanoi and the Parco di Paneveggio e Pale di San Martino. “Bibo, from the swamp to cement. Una storia esemplare” was published by CISU in 2010. In 2011, he edited with Franco Lai, again for CISU, the publication of the collection of essays Anthropology of the third landscape.
Tarek ElhaikSee personal website
Tarek Elhaik is a cultural anthropologist with a dual background in biology and film curation. Over the past 20 years, he has been conducting fieldwork on artistic and curatorial practices: from conceptual art exhibition to architecture; from photographic interventions in natural history museums to performances engaging the life sciences. In his current research he inquire into the audiovisual practices and media environments of marine scientists (cetacean researchers in particular) in both the Alboran sea and the Tyrrhenian sea. In collaboration with his fieldwork interlocutors, he is currently working on curating an exhibition of marine scientific films and video installations related to contemporary cetacean research at large.
Pieranna GaravasoSee personal website
Pieranna Garavaso is an analytic philosopher and professor emerita at the University of Minnesota Morris. Her areas of interest include epistemological and metaphysical issues in philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of language, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell, and feminist epistemology. She received her doctorate in philosophy from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. She is the recipient of two distinguished teaching awards: the University of Minnesota, Morris Alumni Association Teaching Award in 2003 and the Horace T. Morse University of Minnesota Alumni in 2004.
Luca IlletteratiSee personal website
Luca Illetterati is full professor of theoretical philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology of the University of Padua. His scientific interests are mainly focused on classical German philosophy, the problem of philosophical understanding of nature between modern and contemporary thought, the philosophy of translation, and the teaching of philosophy. He was President of the Italian Society of Theoretical Philosophy and is a member of the Vorstand of the Internationale-Hegel-Vereinigung.
Tim IngoldSee personal website
Tim Ingold is Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Aberdeen, a Fellow of the British Academy and the Royal Society of Edinburgh. He has conducted ethnographic fieldwork in Lapland and has written on comparative issues of environment, technology and social organisation in the circumpolar North, as well as on the role of animals in human society, questions of human ecology and evolutionary theory in anthropology, biology and history. In his most recent research, he has proposed a relational approach in social and environmental contexts of development, replacing traditional models of genetic and cultural transmission, investigating the creativity of practice and the linearity of writing, and engaging with a range of issues at the interface between anthropology, archaeology, art and architecture.
Thomas KhuranaSee personal website
Thomas is Professor of Philosophical Anthropology and Philosophy of Mind at the University of Potsdam. His research concerns issues in social and political philosophy, philosophy of mind, philosophical anthropology, and aesthetics; it draws on various traditions of post-Kantian European philosophy (especially German Idealism, Critical Theory, 20th century continental thought). Currently, Thomas works on a critical theory of second nature, a rearticulation of the sociality of the human life-form and develops the philosophical implications of the “Anthropocene”.
Mariagrazia PorteraSee personal website
Mariagrazia Portera si è perfezionata in Filosofia presso la Scuola Internazionale di Alti Studi “Scienze della Cultura” di Modena e ha svolto un dottorato di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Filosofia dell’Università di Firenze; fa parte della redazione della rivista “Aisthesis”. Ha lavorato sull’estetica tedesca tra Sette e Ottocento, in particolare su Friedrich Hölderlin, e attualmente la sua ricerca riguarda i rapporti tra estetica e scienze della vita. Fra le sue pubblicazioni, la monografia Poesia vivente. Una lettura di Hölderlin (Palermo 2010) e il saggio Estetica della contingenza. Exattamenti e pennacchi tra biologia e filosofia (Palermo 2013), vincitore del premio Nuova Estetica della Società Italiana d’Estetica.